Different types of warts and how to remove them.

Everyone wants to be perfect and have flawless skin with no blemishes. Unfortunately, warts can be a massive problem for people, not just because they are unsightly but also because they can be painful. In addition, we live in a world where people are judged by appearance, and warts can make people feel self-conscious and embarrassed. The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes a type of skin infection called Warts, which causes rough, beige bumps to form on the top layer of the skin. The virus is contagious and can spread through touch. 

Warts most likely appear on hands but can also affect feet, face, genitals, and knees. They are non-cancerous and painless, despite the bumps looking and feeling rough. Removing warts can be difficult, but several methods can be used to eliminate warts. This article will help you understand what to know about warts and how to remove them. 


Types of warts 

Large plantar warts on the foot

There are different types of warts, all different from each other and caused by different HPV strains. The types of warts are: 


Common warts 

These are the most common warts, often on your hands or feet. They are small, have a rough texture, and can be light or dark in color. Common warts aren’t usually painful but can feel tender in an area where you put a lot of pressure, like on your feet. The appearance of common warts is often described as a “cauliflower head.” If on your hands, common warts can make it challenging to grip a doorknob or shake someone’s hand. The color of common warts can also make them more noticeable as they are usually darker than your skin color. 


Plantar warts 

Plantar warts are growing on the soles of your feet. They can be small or large and usually have a thick, rough texture. Plantar warts often look like a callus, making them difficult to spot. Because they grow on the soles of your feet, plantar warts can be painful. They can make it difficult to walk or stand for long periods. Plantar warts are often darker than your skin because they contain more blood vessels. 


Flat warts 

Flat warts are small, smooth, and flat-topped. They can be any color, but they are usually lighter than your skin color. Flat warts often appear in large numbers and can appear on your face, legs, or other body parts. You can get flat warts by touching someone who has them or by sharing things like towels or razors. You can also get them from touching something with the virus, like a doorknob. The virus that causes flat warts is usually spread through close contact. 


Genital warts 

Genital warts are warts that appear on or around the genitals. They can be small or large and often have a rough, bumpy texture. Genital warts can be painful, itchy, and embarrassing. They are caused by HPV, a sexually transmitted infection (STI). You can get genital warts from having unprotected sex with someone who has them. You can get genital warts through sexual contact. 


Filiform warts 

Filiform warts are long and thin and often look like a piece of thread or a strand of hair sticking out of the skin. They can be any color, but they’re usually the same color as the person’s skin. Filiform warts are most commonly found on the face, often around the eyelids, nose, or lips. But they can also grow on the neck, armpits, hands, or fingers. Because filiform warts are so close to the skin’s surface, they can be easily injured. And when they’re injured, they can bleed a lot. For this reason, it’s essential to be careful when shaving or using other sharp objects near these warts. 

Warts removal 

There are many ways to remove warts, including natural remedies and medical procedures. The treatment type depends on the wart’s size and location and your preference. Some of the most common medical procedures that help in wart removal include: 



The first and most common wart removal method is freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen. Freezing kills the cells and causes the wart to fall off within a week or two. It is safe and effective, but it may take several treatments to obliterate the wart:

  1. The doctor will start rubbing alcohol on the wart to clean it.
  2. They will use a small tool to apply the liquid nitrogen to the wart. The liquid nitrogen will cause the wart to freeze and turn white.
  3. The doctor may give you a numbing cream to put on the wart before freezing it. 

Numbing cream helps to ease any discomfort. After the wart has been frozen, the doctor will apply a bandage. You must remove the application and clean the area the next day. You may see some redness and swelling, but this is normal. Over the next few days, the wart will blister and fall off. If the wart does not fall off after one treatment, your doctor may recommend another treatment. After the wart is gone, you will need to often clean the area and keep it dry to prevent the wart from coming back. 

Only some people respond to freezing wart removal treatments. Sometimes, the wart may come back or require multiple treatments. If your doctor does not think freezing is the best treatment option, they may recommend another wart removal method. 


Use of Salicylic acid 

Salicylic acid is another standard wart removal method. This acid helps peel off the skin’s top layer, which contains the wart. You can buy salicylic acid from the pharmacy, or your doctor can prescribe it. To use this method, your doctor will first clean the area around the wart. Then, they will apply the salicylic acid to the wart using a cotton ball, brush, or pad. You will need to leave the salicylic acid on for a specific time, which your doctor will tell you. After that, you will need to wash it off. 

You will likely need to repeat this process daily for a few weeks. After a few weeks, the wart should start to peel off. Once the wart is gone, you will need to continue using the salicylic acid for a few more weeks to ensure the entire wart is gone. If you have a plantar wart, your doctor may also need to file down the wart. This helps the salicylic acid to penetrate the wart better. 

A few side effects are associated with using salicylic acid to remove warts. These side effects include: 


  1. -Skin irritation 
  2. -Redness 
  3. -Swelling 
  4. -Burning sensation 

If you experience these side effects, you should stop using salicylic acid and talk to your doctor. 


Laser treatment  

With medical advancements, laser treatments are now being used to remove warts. However, laser treatment is more expensive and effective than other wart removal methods. Laser treatments work by targeting the blood vessels that feed the wart. Laser treatment cuts off the wart’s blood supply and causes it to die. The body then absorbs the dead tissue. You can usually do Laser treatments in a doctor’s office. The number of treatments needed depends on the size and number of treated warts. Most people need 2 to 4 treatments, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. 

Laser treatments are generally safe. The side effect usually is temporary redness and swelling of the treated area. Less often, blistering or crusting may occur. If you consider laser treatment for your warts, consult a board-certified dermatologist to ensure that the treatments are performed by a trained and experienced professional. 



In some cases, surgery may be the best option for removing warts. However, this is usually only done if other treatment methods fail. Surgery involves cutting out the wart. The doctor can do surgery with a scalpel, laser, or electro-cautery (burning). Surgery is usually only done for plantar warts because they are generally too thick to be removed with other methods. In addition, surgery carries a risk of infection and scarring. 

For this reason, it is usually only done as a last resort. However, if you are thinking about surgery, please be sure to consult with a doctor first. Doctors can advise on whether or not surgery is the best option for you. 


Natural wart removal remedies 

There are also many natural wart removal remedies that you can try. These remedies are usually less effective than medical treatments, but they may be worth a try if you are looking for a more natural approach. Some popular natural wart removal remedies include: 


Tea tree oil – 

According to studies, tea tree oil effectively treats warts. It is thought to work by killing the virus that causes warts. To use it, apply a few drops of tea tree oil to a cotton ball and the wart. Repeat this several times a day until the wart disappears. 


Banana peel –

 Many people believe that using a banana peel can help to remove warts. The idea is to rub the inside of the peel on the wart for a few minutes each day. Please make sure you use a fresh peel each time and repeat until the wart disappears. 


Garlic –

 Some people swear by using garlic to remove warts. To use it:

  1. Take a clove of garlic, cut it in half and rub it on the wart.
  2. Wait for a few minutes before washing it off.
  3. Repeat this several times a day until the wart disappears. 


Apple cider vinegar – 

Another popular home remedy for warts is apple cider vinegar. The acidic nature of the vinegar is thought to help kill the virus that causes warts. To use apple cider vinegar, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and put it on the wart. Leave the soaked cotton ball for a few minutes before washing it off. Repeat this several times a day until the wart disappears. 


There are many other home remedies for warts that you can try. However, it is essential to remember that home remedies are often less effective than medical treatments. Therefore, if home remedies don’t work or your wart is large, painful, or sensitive, you should see a doctor for treatment. 

How to prevent warts 

Although warts can be hard to prevent, you can lower your risk by taking the following precautions: 


 Could you keep your hands clean? 

This will decrease your risk of contracting HPV and developing warts on your hands. Always wash your hands frequently throughout the day, and avoid touching open wounds or cuts. If you notice a wart on your hand, avoid touching it and let it heal. 


Please don’t share razors and towels with others. 

Razors and towels can harbor the HPV virus, so you should use your items to prevent warts from spreading. If you have a cut or open sore on your skin, cover it with a bandage and wash your hands frequently. 


Avoid walking barefoot in public places. 

This is a common way to get warts on your feet. Wear sandals instead of flip-flops or shower shoes if you can’t avoid going barefoot. Warts are more likely to spread if the skin around them is broken or irritated. 

When do you think you should be worried? 

Warts are not usually severe and rarely require medical treatment. However, they can be uncomfortable or painful depending on where they show up and will often go away on their own in a few months. If warts grow out of proportion to your body size or become irritated, it’s best to visit a doctor for treatment options. If you notice any unusual symptoms, such as itching or bleeding, it’s essential to be evaluated by a doctor. 


Can warts cause any permanent damage? 

If you leave genital warts untreated, it can lead to more severe health problems like cancer. So it’s essential to get any warts evaluated by a doctor, especially if they don’t go away on their own or are located in sensitive areas. Treatment options are available that can help to remove warts and lower your risk of developing more severe health problems. 



Warts are growths that can appear on your skin due to the HPV virus. There are many types of warts, which can vary in size and appearance. Warts are usually harmless and will go away independently, but they can be uncomfortable. You can lower your risk of developing warts by keeping your hands clean, avoiding personal sharing items, and ensuring you wear shoes in public places. If home remedies don’t work or you’re concerned about your wart, visit a doctor for medical treatment options. 

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